🐴A Peep at the Plight of Working and Captive animals. BY SONNY MNCEDISI DUBE It is one usual sombre noon, Zebra who lives in NovemberMan National Park is getting a feel of the weather, practically one of his favourite pastimes. Whilst Zebra is sharing his majestically decorated natural outfit with the environment, Donkey his friend who lives across the fence passes by, laden with load and his master’s whip spitting volumes of pain on his back. Zebra jovially waves at Donkey, a wave which gets in return a subdued nod and Zebra quickly gets the picture that his friend is super-busy hence play and chat time will be later than usual, not that Donkey plays or talks anyway. Donkey is usually quiet, his eyes teary but he is at least man enough to never let the tears decorate his cheeks. Thinks Zebra. In a split second Zebra sadly recalls one of the stories Donkey told him in their usual late night buddy chat after Zebra having convinced him to unburden his heart. Donkey g...