BLACK IS BURNING | A Zimbabwean national's deep melancholy in the hands of South African Xenophobes

By Sonny Mncedisi Dube I crossed the border in search of greener pastures; Down into the South, where we share more than just common histories and dear cultures. The pastures are indeed greener, the sort of green that can only be found in the jungle, But it's a lawless jungle, not fit for the foreigner, the naive, the meek nor the humble. I'm of course devoted to the hustle but to make it through the day is a hassle and a struggle. I'm neither here to steal nor to plunder, but to work, to hustle and feed my family; But I'm met with hate, spite, naming and shaming. I watch over my shoulder for be it during the night or in broad daylight you can see a black brother burning; Vile acts of criminality against their own skin color, desperate souls devoid of conscience, Souls who no longer see human life as of sacred importance. Where are the Pan-Africanist values of love, peace and tolerance!? I’m accused of all sorts of thievery and unspeakable crimes; My only crime has been...