KWA TERRY: A Fight Against Cultural Oblivion through Traditional Cuisine & Rural Agro-tourism

Terence "Terry" Maphosa at Village 6 By Sonny Mncedisi Dube Africa day celebrates the founding of the Organization of African Unity now the African Union (AU) on the 25th of May 1963. In its incipient stages the day signified empowerment and celebrated decolonization movements across the African continent whilst in the contemporary discourse, it has amongst other things, come to celebrate Africa's rich cultural heritage, common historical narratives and rich natural resources. Neocolonialism reigns supreme on the continent and Africans — mostly millennials and Gen Z have foregone their cultural heritage and hold dearly to cultures from the global North which mostly come in form of entertainment, sensational clickbait, social and mass media. Cities have become awfully populous, with an unrelenting hustle and bustle where the facade of a sustainable city life eerily hangs by a thread. Some have neve...