
KWA TERRY: A Fight Against Cultural Oblivion through Traditional Cuisine & Rural Agro-tourism

                          Terence "Terry" Maphosa at Village 6 By Sonny Mncedisi Dube Africa day celebrates the founding of the Organization of African Unity now the African Union (AU) on the 25th of May 1963. In its incipient stages the day signified empowerment and celebrated decolonization movements across the African continent whilst in the contemporary discourse, it has amongst other things, come to celebrate Africa's rich cultural heritage, common historical narratives and rich natural resources. Neocolonialism reigns supreme on the continent and Africans — mostly millennials and Gen Z have foregone their cultural heritage and hold dearly to cultures from the global North which mostly come in form of entertainment, sensational clickbait, social and mass media. Cities have become awfully populous, with an unrelenting hustle and bustle where the facade of a sustainable city life eerily hangs by a thread. Some have never been to the rural area and some waved a goodbye


By Sonny Mncedisi Dube Introduction During divorce proceedings, judicial separation or nullity of marriage, the parties wrestle with a multitude of issues - firstly the family crumbles, then property battles, maintenance, custody, strife, verbal insults and slander etc ensue. The biggest sacrifice during the whole contest is mental health. As most of these aforestated proceedings are usually tediously protracted, legal fees becomes the most daunting of all woes for litigants - a real pain in the neck. What if one finds themselves faced with such an unfortunate fate, served with a summons for divorce, judicial separation or nullity of marriage (or wishes to institute the same), but does not have the financial muscle to prosecute or defend their cause The Precis: Before acting out of convenience and exploring other financial options some of which may yield undesirable usurious arrangements, one needs to know that they can make a court application seeking the other party to contribute tow

TRUTH-CHOKWADI 434 Lives Up to His Name in His 434 EP

By Sonny Mncedisi Dube Saturday 29 th of April saw a multitude of ghetto yutes converge at the Hatcliffe Community Hall to witness a ghetto story unfold in its truest and raw form as a young, up and coming rapper who goes by the alias Truth-Chokwadi 434 launched his much-anticipated Extended Play (EP). The EP which was first set to drop earlier on 30 th March was later postponed to April 29 th and is titled 434. The album art cover dropped first and was followed by a tracklist which later dropped mid-March. The launch was characterized by a cross-genre line-up which saw artistes from the South of Samora such as Beav City come through to support this blooming talent from the North. The line-up was also graced by a handful of local talent from the host hood with appearances from Diana Rose, Travis tha Lit Kid, Icey Ekxene, Fizzman Junta, Brandon Beats, Chicha Music, Joystar, Major Tash, Robizy, Boi Fresh, Dj Spice, DJ Blender, Dj Tinman of Meable Floors, Tatris, Boi Austin, Telle,

The 2000s Youth: Of Drip, Drugs, Lifestyle, Social Media, Mimicry, and Ideological Consciousness

By Sonny Mncedisi Dube With the 21st century early in its third decade, the children that were born in its first decade are now the youth of today. This youthful demographic has a uniquely catchy and popular vibe; and it has come to be popularly known as Ama2000s which which loosely translates to “the 2000s” in its Ndebele and Zulu provenance. This youth emerge at the peak of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), an era of technological advancement and artificial intelligence which presents questions such whether such technological feat is a blessing or a curse, the same questions that arise with these youths on whether we are in a new era of trend, urban fashion, technological wokeness or we are simply erroneously hyping a misguided youth. There are always two sides to it, there is always a double echo to the narrative. Zviri pa2, to borrow from the lingua franca of Zimbabwean youths in vogue. This piece is therefore a modest endeavour to capture the Ama2ks youth in the contemporary


  By Bright 'Briggs' Maponga Many a people do not appreciate the difference between owning property and being on (possession of) property. Being on property has nothing to do with ownership of the property as even a squatter can be on property but without owning the same. It is only when you become legally recognized as such that you become the owner lest you mislead the public. Are you the owner of the property which you consider to be yours or you are just on it? If you happen to be on the property without owning it, then you are simply not the legal owner of it. You cannot legally say that you own the property for the reasons that follow; Ownership of immovable property is determined by whether you are registered as such with the Deeds Registry. An inquiry as to who owns a certain piece of land is only answered by visiting the Deeds Registry to see in whose name is the property registered. The person in whose name the property is registered, remains the owner even if dec


By Bright Maponga It has happened for so long and it still happens that two innocent land seekers buy the same property from the same seller. This has been commonly referred to as “double sales”. This scenario is not new to the Zimbabwean market and is even more prevalent in the recent times where corruption has reached its zenith. What happens in that situation is what this writing seeks to clarify? 2.     As far back as the year 2000, the Highest Court of Appeal being the Supreme Court faced with a double sale scenario settled the law. This was in the case of GUGA v MOYO 2000 (2) ZLR 458 (S) wherein the court per McNally JA (as he then was) held that, The basic rule in double sales where transfer has not been passed to either party is that the first purchaser should succeed. The first in time is the stronger in law. The second purchaser is left with a claim for damages against the seller, which is usually small comfort. But that rule applies only in the absence of special circ

BLACK IS BURNING | A Zimbabwean national's deep melancholy in the hands of South African Xenophobes

By Sonny Mncedisi Dube I crossed the border in search of greener pastures; Down into the South, where we share more than just common histories and dear cultures. The pastures are indeed greener, the sort of green that can only be found in the jungle, But it's a lawless jungle, not fit for the foreigner, the naive, the meek nor the humble. I'm of course devoted to the hustle but to make it through the day is a hassle and a struggle. I'm neither here to steal nor to plunder, but to work, to hustle and feed my family; But I'm met with hate, spite, naming and shaming. I watch over my shoulder for be it during the night or in broad daylight you can see a black brother burning; Vile acts of criminality against their own skin color, desperate souls devoid of conscience, Souls who no longer see human life as of sacred importance. Where are the Pan-Africanist values of love, peace and tolerance!? I’m accused of all sorts of thievery and unspeakable crimes; My only crime has been